Do you want to say more than “Hi” and “How are you?” Below are 30 basic phrases that people use every day. They are useful phrases that’ll also help your knowledge of English grow. 1. Thanks so much. This is a simple sentence you can use to thank someone. For example: Thanks so much for the birthday money. 2. I …
5 Ways To Encourage People In English
You are so awesome! Really, I believe in you—you can do it! It feels good to be told something positive, right? People all over the world use positive phrases and they make others feel good, so they’re important to learn in English. Here are 5 Ways To Encourage People In English: 1. You look great today. Everyone feels better when …
5 of the Most Common Idioms In English
The English language has many layers of subtlety, nuances and cultural references, which come in the form of slang words and idioms. If you do understand the meanings and, better yet, you know how to use the idioms yourself, you’ll impress the person you’re speaking with and sound like a native. 1.a storm is brewing Meaning: There will be trouble …
7 Phrases for New English Speakers
Conversing in English opens up a whole new world of friends, books, television and more! Thanks to English, you will be able to talk with people who don’t speak your native language. Talking in English will also be adventurous because you will probably feel a little nervous and excited. But if you push your comfort zone and just open your …
Advantages of a Private English Lessons
Classroom teachers and private English teachers do similar jobs, but they do them in different ways. Even if you don’t think you need extra help, a private English teacher can still help you learn. Let’s look at a few other advantages of working with a private English Teacher. 1. You’ll receive individualized attention Sometimes, when you’re learning something difficult, you …
Improve Your English with Tongue Twisters-早口言葉で英語を改善する
Tongue twisters are a great way to practise speaking English and improve your pronunciation.早口言葉は、英語を話す練習、そして発音を改善するための最善の方法なのです。 They will also improve your accent as you are repeating one sound many times.同じ音をたくさん繰り返すので、早口言葉は発音も改善します。 Tongue Twisters are not just for children but are commonly used by actors, politicians and other public speakers who wants to speak as clearly as possible.早口言葉は子供たちのためではなく、一般的に俳優、政治家、他のパブリックスピーカー、クリアに話したい人たちのためでもあるのです。 Here are some of the most …
5 Tips To Improve Your English Reading
Reading is a great way to improve your English. We have put together some tips for you and you’ll be understanding more in no time. 1. Always make special time to read If you’re reading to improve your comprehension, you need to focus and study. This means you need to make a special time for this reading. Making time for …
How To Improve Your English Listening Skills−英語のリスニングスキルを良くする方法
We all want to be able to understand English 100% perfectly! みなさん英語を100%完璧に理解したいですよね! It’s OK! Did you know that even native English speakers don’t hear 100% of the words all the time? 大丈夫です!実はネイティブスピーカーでさえ100%すべての言葉が聞き取れているわけでないことをご存知でしたか? So you can relax and focus on trying to get better at English rather than hearing every word. 全部の言葉をきこうとするより、もっとリラックスできて英語を良くすることに集中できます! Here are some practical tips to help you get …
More English Idioms -英語のイディオム
Last weeks blog was so popular, this week we have a list of more popular idioms in English! 先週のブログがとっても人気があったので、今週もよく使われるイディオムを紹介したいと思います! Let’s get creative and try and use some of these in your English lesson this week! クリエイティブになって英語のレッスンで是非使ってみてください! 1. Hit the nail on the head This as to do with doing or saying something that is precisely right. 正確なことを言ったりやったりすること 2. When pigs fly …
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